Target group
The MSc “Competition Policy and Market Regulation” is addressed to people interested in the economic, legal and administrative aspects of market regulation and the promotion of competition. More specifically, the target groups of the MSc are:
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Graduates in Economics & Management Studies: Economists, administrators and other graduates in related disciplines who wish to deepen their understanding of market mechanisms and competition policies.
Lawyers: Lawyers and legal advisors who wish to specialise in competition law and regulations governing markets.
Civil servants: Professionals working or wishing to work in public bodies, regulatory authorities and other agencies involved in market regulation, the control of undertakings and the application of competition rules.
Business executives: Professionals in the private sector who are involved in business strategy, regulatory compliance and managing relations with regulators.
Academics and researchers: Individuals who wish to pursue academic or research careers in the areas of economic regulation, competition policy and the institutions that administer them.
The programme may also be of interest to those who want to combine different disciplines, such as economics and law, and develop interdisciplinary knowledge of issues relating to markets and competition. The MSc is open to holders of a first-cycle degree from a higher education institution in Greece or similar institutions abroad, as well as graduates of the former T.E.I.