Candidates for the MSc programme
The selection of candidates for admission to the MSc is made in accordance with the provisions and regulations of the present Regulations for Postgraduate Studies.
By decision of the Assembly, a notice for the admission of postgraduate students to the MSc shall be published and posted on the website of the Department and the Foundation. The notice shall include all relevant details (dates and place of submission of the application, necessary supporting documents to accompany it, etc.). The relevant applications together with the necessary supporting documents are submitted electronically or deposited at the Department's Secretariat within a deadline set in the announcement and may be extended by decision of the Department's Assembly.

The supporting documents required from each candidate are as follows:
- Application form
- A copy of your diploma or certificate of completion of studies
- A copy of the diploma or transcript of records or a copy of the diploma or transcript of records or a copy of the transcript of records or a copy of the diploma or transcript of records
- Two letters of recommendation from university faculty members and/or an employer
- Proof of English language proficiency at level C2, as attested by the language proficiency certificates accepted by the ASEP, or by a degree or a postgraduate or doctoral diploma from a foreign university
- a clear photocopy of two sides of your identity card
- A recent photograph of a type of identity card
- Curriculum vitae
- A copy of your Bachelor's or Diploma thesis (if completed)
- Publications in peer-reviewed journals (if any)
- Evidence of professional or research activity, (if any)
- A declaration of honour (via or by means of an attestation of signature at a CED) stating that the supporting documents submitted and deposited in the application file are true and correct.
The Departmental Assembly may, by decision, require additional supporting document(s). The exact procedure is described in the notice.
Candidates who hold a first degree from a foreign institution must submit a diploma to check whether the foreign institution is listed in the National Register of recognised foreign institutions and the National Register of types of qualifications of recognised foreign institutions. Foreign qualifications are submitted and accepted in accordance with the applicable provisions. It is noted that if the place of study or part of the studies is confirmed as the Greek territory, the degree is not recognised, unless the part of the studies undertaken in the Greek territory is at a public higher education institution.
The Department's Secretariat checks the necessary formal documents submitted by the candidate, registers the application and forwards it to the Candidate Selection Committee. The selection of candidates is carried out by a committee of faculty members (Selection Committee), which is constituted by decision of the Assembly.
The selection criteria as well as the details of the application of these criteria (points, coefficients, etc.) are made known to the candidates with the announcement of the MSc and are indicatively as follows:
- Degree(s) degree(s) at 30%.
- Average grade point average in 4 undergraduate courses relevant to the subject of the MSc at 5%
- Performance in a thesis or dissertation at a rate of 5%.
- Knowledge of foreign language(s) at 5%
- Relevance of the Department of origin to the MSc in 5%
- Possession of a second degree of A or B cycle in 5%
- Type and scope of work and/or research experience at 15%
- Interview in 25%
- Letters of recommendation from faculty members of higher education institutions and/or employers at 5%

The Assembly may set additional criteria and may establish a (Additional Internal) Examination Committee, on the proposal of the Selection Committee, for all or some candidates. The Selection Committee shall determine the subject matter and timing of these examinations.
The selection procedure shall be carried out by the Selection Board, which shall:
α) draw up a full list of those who have applied.
b) Reject the candidates who do not meet the selection criteria.
c) Invite all candidates to an interview. The interview will be conducted by the members of the Selection Committee.
d) Evaluate the candidates and submit its proposal to the Assembly for final approval.
The final list of successful candidates shall be ratified by the Assembly of the Department.
In the event of a tie, the Assembly shall decide that all those tied shall be entered as surplus to requirements.
Candidates' enrolment in the programme shall be completed on submission to the Secretariat of all the required supporting documents.
In the event that one or more students are not enrolled, the runners-up, if any, will be invited to enroll in the Program, based on their order in the approved merit list.