Services provided to students
Postgraduate students of the University of Piraeus are entitled to free meals, if they are not already holders of a postgraduate degree, based mainly on their family or individual financial situation and their locality. The requirements for free meals, the necessary documents for obtaining and renewing the special meal card and the deadlines for applying for meals are announced by the Department of Student Affairs at the beginning of the academic year.
For students entitled to meals through the Student Services Department, there is a platform where you can register your application and upload the necessary documents. Students who meet the essential criteria from the same platform can apply for student accommodation accommodation. All instructions will be posted on the Student Services Department’s webpage(
According to article 31 of Law 4452/2017, postgraduate students, who have no other medical and hospital care, are entitled to full medical and hospital care in the National Health System (NHS), with coverage of the relevant costs by the National Health Insurance Fund, under article 33 of Law 4368/2016.
The Master of Science in Competition Policy and Market Regulation awards a Master of Science in Competition Policy and Market Regulation.
Competent bodies for the establishment, organization and operation of the MSc program under the law no. 4957/2022 are:
a) the Senate of the University,
b) the Assembly of the Department,
c) the Coordinating Committee of the MSc,
d) the Director of the MSc.
For the responsibilities of the bodies, please consult the specific regulations of the MSc.
Holders of a first cycle degree from a higher education institution in Greece or similar institutions abroad as well as graduates of the former Technical Universities are admitted to the MSc.
The members of specific categories of the University (Ε.Ε.Π., Ε.ΔΙ.Π. & Ε.Τ.Ε.Π) and administrative staff of the institution, who meet the requirements of the previous paragraph, may be admitted upon application as supernumeraries, and only one per year, only to an MTF of the institution where they serve and under the Internal Regulations of the institution.

The academic ID card is mandatory for all registered postgraduate students. It is issued after logging into using your personal codes and applying online. The academic ID card also functions as a student ticket (pass) that facilitates travel by public transport. The student ID card is also used to identify you in the University’s educational procedures (e.g. examinations).
A wide range of services is provided by the University Library, through its central website
The Library of the University of Piraeus is addressed to professors, researchers and students and its mission is to support education and research. It is housed in the main building of the University, in the second basement. The entrance is in the central circular staircase in the middle of the ground floor. The lift on the left side of the building is also used for disabled persons. The library consists of three main areas:
- The Reception Area, which houses the material circulation area, the closed collection, rare collections and computers for searching the catalogue and information sources,
- The Library, which houses the library’s entire print collection, the photocopier and computers for readers, and
- The Reading Room, where the dictionaries, the exhibits with the latest issues of printed journals and other information material are located. Its hours of operation have been extended to serve the needs of members of the University, from 8.00am to 8.00pm, every day, all working days.
The University operates, under the supervision and supervision of the Academic Departments, e-learning systems, which support the educational work and are hosted by the Department of Computerization at Notes, announcements and other educational material are posted on these systems.
Some services or software use require you to be connected to the University of Piraeus network. This is also possible remotely, from your personal computer, by using the Virtual Local Area Network VPN service provided by the University’s Network Centre, following the instructions on
Access to the pan-European wireless network Eduroam, which operates in a large number of academic and research institutions in Greece and Europe (
Free commercial software for educational use, via, which includes instructions for each software available. Please note that the availability of software depends on your study department.